General Information
In line with policy of maximising the potential of each pupil the school recognises that it has a responsibility to do everything possible to care for each pupil’s physical and emotional well-being. The school will endeavour to provide a comfortable and safe environment for learning.
Due to the nature of primary education it will be the responsibility of each class teacher to look after the pastoral needs of the children in her class. The Principal will be responsible for any problems of senior pupils. Class teachers will attempt to resolve the worries of new pupil’s and to relieve their anxieties. The Principal will be grateful for information about any difficult home circumstances, which may be causing distress or anxiety.
Since 1996 the curriculum has included a programme for pupils on self-protection. All pupils participate in KIDSCAPE, a carefully structured non-frightening child abuse prevention teaching programme for 5-11 year olds. The approach is low-key and the lessons cover strangers, known adults, bullying, getting lost and other potential childhood dangers. Following the recommendations in the Wallace Enquiry Report in 1998, the school has established procedures for handling complaints about the behaviour of members of staff and adopted a code of conduct for all members of staff. Mrs V Martin is the Designated Teacher to liaise with statutory bodies in relation to all aspects of child protection, abuse and neglect. Mr G Savage is Deputy Designated Teacher.
School policy is based on the development of both self-discipline and respect for others, breach of school rules will result in the application of a gradual set of sanctions involving initially the teacher and secondly the Principal.
Parents will be involved in the case of more serious breached of discipline.
The school has produced a separate booklet on discipline and this is available to all actual or prospective parents.
It is the view of Lisnadill Primary School that effective learning can only take place in an atmosphere where standards of good behaviour are set as pre-requisites. Good behaviour is that conduct which assists the school to fulfil its function, namely the full development of the potential of all its pupils. Bad behaviour is conduct, which prevents this, either when an individual prevents his/her own development by behaving badly or when unacceptable conduct disrupts the development process for other members of the school community. It therefore follows that good behaviour is that which:
1. Conforms to the reasonable expectations and requirements of the school.
2. Is based upon mutual respect for the needs and aspirations of all in the school and upon care for its environment.
The school policy on discipline has been drafted with the following aims.
Discipline is a system of rules for good behaviour which aims to create conditions for an orderly community in which:
1. Effective learning can take place,
2. Self-discipline, self respect and goof personal relationships can be developed,
3. There is mutual respect among all members
A system of discipline should have its center for the safety and well being of the pupils.
Copies of Bullying and Child Protection Booklets are available from the Office.
Non-denominational Religious Education will be available to all children. Parents may remove their children from these classes on the grounds of conscience and the school will make alternative provision for them.
Some of the children attending the school will have special education needs. These may arise from the child’s physical incapacity or his/her learning abilities. As it is the intention of the school to maximise the potential of each of the pupils the school will endeavour within its resources to meet these needs.
If, despite this assistance, a child is unable o cope in Lisnadill a statement of that child’s needs will be issued placement in another appropriate school. The process of determining that a child has a special education needs in accordance with the law is a lengthy one and involves close co-operation among the teachers, school medical authorities, education psychologists and the parents. Mrs Valerie Young is the Special Needs Advisor (028 37415423). She will be pleased to provide information and guidance about the procedure to be followed after having discussed the child’s needs with the principal.
When a child is sick or injured the school will, in the first instance, ask the parent to come to the school. If this is not possible the child will be brought to hospital. In less severe cases it would be appreciated if parents would nominate two emergency contacts.
In all cases it will be the school policy to act in the best interest of the child.
At present the children are taught in composite classes over a two-year cycle. This helps to create a family type atmosphere whereby children can learn from and be stimulated by other age groups.
Lisnadill Primary School sees a value in children engaging in homework as means of consolidating work, in discovering information unavailable in school, in involving parents in their children’s studies and in the development of good work habits. Against this must be balanced each child’s need for recreation and the development of private interests and hobbies and so the amount of homework should not exceed that which can be done in under 30 minutes in the infant classes and 60 minutes in P4 – P7 classes.
To ensure regularity it will be school policy that homework will be set each night from Monday to Thursday though this may be relaxed for special occasions and around vacations.
Parents are encouraged to play a positive role in this area by:
1. Showing an interest in the child’s work by asking about it and discussing it.
2. Providing the proper conditions and atmosphere for work and study away from obvious distractions
3. Checking that the homework has been completed to a satisfactory standard, noting comments or criticisms made by teachers.
4. Generally encouraging the child to work to the best of their ability through positive praise for good work. A positive, interested approach from parents can do much to enhance the quality of learning for the child and we earnestly seek your support and co-operation.
Lisnadill Primary School, 7 Drumconwell Rd, Armagh BT60 2PS | Phone: 028 3752 3471